
The Ellirean year lasts 360 days. The year is divided into 12 months of 30 days each and each month is divided into 5 weeks of 6 days each. The length of each month and week coincides with the cycle of Ellires' two moons: Liamon and Seri.

Below you can see the Elliran monthly calendar, with each of the named weekdays. The calendar for all the months are always the same. ● indicates one (or two) full moons and ○ indicates one (or two) new moons.

Elliran Monthly Calendar

Amas Tekom Forla Emmor Tacta Beloma
   1 ●●    2       3       4      5       6   
   7      8       9      10     11      12   
  13     14      15      16 ○○   17      18   
  19     20      21      22     23      24   
  25     26      27      28     29      30   

Elliran Yearly Calendar

The twelve months are:

1. Velateri
2. Gravateri
3. Ivori
4. Param
5. Hrateri
6. Jol
7. Veri
8. Terateri
9. Falm
10. Decateri
11. Tallem
12. Molam