
This is a table of most available languages in various D&D sourcebooks. The first column indicates if a language can be picked or not in the Ellires setting, with parentheses indicating that it will be subject to DM's discretion depending on your backstory. Most, but not all, languages that are specific to a campaign setting are not eligible.

Eligible Language Speakers Script Rarity Setting
Abanasinian Abanasinians Common - Dragonlance
Abyssal Demons Infernal Exotic (Ravnica: Standard) Core
Auran Elementals Dwarvish Exotic Core
Aquan Elementals Dwarvish Exotic Core
Celestial Celestials (Ravnica: Angels) Celestial Exotic Core
Common Humans Common Standard Core
Daelkyr Aberrations, denizens of Khyber Daelkyr (Eberron: Exotic) Eberron
(✓) Deep Speech Mind flayers, Beholders - Exotic Core
Draconic Dragons, Dragonborn Draconic Exotic Core
Dwarvish Dwarves Dwarvish Standard Core
(✓) Elvish Elves Elvish Standard Core
Ergot Northern Ergoth Common - Dragonlance
(✓) Giant Ogres, Giants (Theros: Cyclopes) Dwarvish (Ravnica, Theros: Minotaur) Standard Core
(✓) Gith Gith, Githyanki, Githzerai Tir'su Exotic Core
Gnomish Gnomes Dwarvish Standard Core
(✓) Goblin Goblinoids Dwarvish (Ravnica: Common) Standard Core
Hadozee - Hadozee Exotic Spelljammer
Halfling Halflings Common Standard Core
Ignan Elementals Dwarvish Exotic Core
Infernal Devils Infernal Exotic Core
Istarian Ancient Istarians Istarian - Dragonlance
Kenderspeak Kender Common - Dragonlance
Kharolian Kharolian Common - Dragonlance
Khur Khur Istarian - Dragonlance
Kraul Kraul Kraul (Ravnica: Standard) Ravnica
Leonin Leonin Common Standard Theros
(✓) Loxodon Loxodons Elvish (Ravnica: Standard) Ravnica
Marquesian Inhabitants of The Menagerie Coast Common (Exandria: Standard) Exandria
Merfolk Merfolk Merfolk (Ravnica: Standard) Ravnica
(✓) Minotaur Minotaurs Minotaur (Ravnica: Standard) Ravnica
Naush Ki'Nau Islanders Common (Exandria: Standard) Exandria
Nerakese Inhabitants of Neraka Istarian - Dragonlance
Nordmaarian Inhabitants of Nordmaar Istarian - Dragonlance
(✓) Ogre Ogres Ogre - Dragonlance
Orc Orcs Dwarvish (Eberron: Goblin) Standard Core
Oriental Oriental Humans Common - Dragonlance
Primordial Elementals Dwarvish Exotic Core
Sylvan Fey creatures Elvish Exotic Core
Terran Elementals Dwarvish Exotic Core
Thieves' Cant Rogues - Exotic Core
Thranish Thranish Humans Common - Dragonlance
(✓) Undercommon Underdark creatures Elvish (Eberron: Dwarvish) Exotic Core