This is a table of most available languages in various D&D sourcebooks. The first column indicates if a language can be picked or not in the Ellires setting, with parentheses indicating that it will be subject to DM's discretion depending on your backstory. Most, but not all, languages that are specific to a campaign setting are not eligible.
Eligible | Language | Speakers | Script | Rarity | Setting |
✗ | Abanasinian | Abanasinians | Common | - | Dragonlance |
✗ | Abyssal | Demons | Infernal | Exotic (Ravnica: Standard) | Core |
✗ | Auran | Elementals | Dwarvish | Exotic | Core |
✗ | Aquan | Elementals | Dwarvish | Exotic | Core |
✗ | Celestial | Celestials (Ravnica: Angels) | Celestial | Exotic | Core |
✓ | Common | Humans | Common | Standard | Core |
✗ | Daelkyr | Aberrations, denizens of Khyber | Daelkyr | (Eberron: Exotic) | Eberron |
(✓) | Deep Speech | Mind flayers, Beholders | - | Exotic | Core |
✓ | Draconic | Dragons, Dragonborn | Draconic | Exotic | Core |
✓ | Dwarvish | Dwarves | Dwarvish | Standard | Core |
(✓) | Elvish | Elves | Elvish | Standard | Core |
✗ | Ergot | Northern Ergoth | Common | - | Dragonlance |
(✓) | Giant | Ogres, Giants (Theros: Cyclopes) | Dwarvish (Ravnica, Theros: Minotaur) | Standard | Core |
(✓) | Gith | Gith, Githyanki, Githzerai | Tir'su | Exotic | Core |
✓ | Gnomish | Gnomes | Dwarvish | Standard | Core |
(✓) | Goblin | Goblinoids | Dwarvish (Ravnica: Common) | Standard | Core |
✗ | Hadozee | - | Hadozee | Exotic | Spelljammer |
✓ | Halfling | Halflings | Common | Standard | Core |
✗ | Ignan | Elementals | Dwarvish | Exotic | Core |
✗ | Infernal | Devils | Infernal | Exotic | Core |
✗ | Istarian | Ancient Istarians | Istarian | - | Dragonlance |
✗ | Kenderspeak | Kender | Common | - | Dragonlance |
✗ | Kharolian | Kharolian | Common | - | Dragonlance |
✗ | Khur | Khur | Istarian | - | Dragonlance |
✗ | Kraul | Kraul | Kraul | (Ravnica: Standard) | Ravnica |
✗ | Leonin | Leonin | Common | Standard | Theros |
(✓) | Loxodon | Loxodons | Elvish | (Ravnica: Standard) | Ravnica |
✗ | Marquesian | Inhabitants of The Menagerie Coast | Common | (Exandria: Standard) | Exandria |
✗ | Merfolk | Merfolk | Merfolk | (Ravnica: Standard) | Ravnica |
(✓) | Minotaur | Minotaurs | Minotaur | (Ravnica: Standard) | Ravnica |
✗ | Naush | Ki'Nau Islanders | Common | (Exandria: Standard) | Exandria |
✗ | Nerakese | Inhabitants of Neraka | Istarian | - | Dragonlance |
✗ | Nordmaarian | Inhabitants of Nordmaar | Istarian | - | Dragonlance |
(✓) | Ogre | Ogres | Ogre | - | Dragonlance |
✓ | Orc | Orcs | Dwarvish (Eberron: Goblin) | Standard | Core |
✗ | Oriental | Oriental Humans | Common | - | Dragonlance |
✓ | Primordial | Elementals | Dwarvish | Exotic | Core |
✓ | Sylvan | Fey creatures | Elvish | Exotic | Core |
✗ | Terran | Elementals | Dwarvish | Exotic | Core |
✓ | Thieves' Cant | Rogues | - | Exotic | Core |
✗ | Thranish | Thranish Humans | Common | - | Dragonlance |
(✓) | Undercommon | Underdark creatures | Elvish (Eberron: Dwarvish) | Exotic | Core |