Session 24


The party shops for maps, magic items and some very expensive wine.

Stat Value
Party Level 6
Location Satim
Start Date 22 Decateri 881
End Date 22 Decateri
Real Date 15 May 2024

Back on the ship the day before, Yrma and Molva had a heart to heart about their friendship, and Molva Urtedugg confessed she had felt jealous of Sylvia.

In the present, the party counts their coin and decide to purchase a city map of Satim and a regional map of the north-east of Amertolia. The proprietor, Gailendrin Faelinor, points out some points of interest around the map. He also points out the location of a mid-range tavern by the name Fistfull of Roses near the Fishmonger's Gate. On the way there, Molva Urtedugg purchases a Disguise Kit from a cosmetics store in The Covered Market.

In Fistfull of Roses, the party books some rooms for the night, and Molva Urtedugg gets started giving Yrma Duladney a subtle disguise to make her less recognisable without looking overtly disguised.

Meanwhile, Sani, having heard from the Gailendrin that there are bakeries towards the Morning Gate, pulls Myrcella along to have a gander. On the way there, they pass through the large square at the top of the hill marking the city's centre, where the Cathedral of Glass shines in the early winter sun. Up close, they see the stained glass windows the cathedral is named for. They pass the cathedral into The Mills, where they purchase some delicious-looking pastries, each made with seasonal ingredients and spices fitting the cold weather.

On the way back, they head into the cathedral to have a look inside. From the inside, the true beauty and intricate craftsmanship of the stained glass windows becomes apparent. Each of the seventeen stained glass windows going clockwise east to west depicted a dramatic scene representing each of The Aspects. In front of each window is a simple shrine where people have left offerings -- mostly coins, but also other items often related to the Aspect. The commonly worshipped Aspects have the most offerings, but they note that even the shrines for the Aspects tied to the darker parts of existence have some offerings left at them.

Reconvening at the Fistfull of Roses, the party decide to make a couple more errands before checking out The Vagabond Masquerade.

First they head to the smithy that they had been told was a front for an illicit magic shop. At the smithy, they see a large, burly, red-scaled dragonborn woman in the process of firing up the coals in her smithy. When they state their business, she cautiously brings them inside, pulls a hidden lever in a tool rack that opens a hidden trapdoor in the floor. The party is ushered down into a small cellar where some peculiar items are put on display, including some weapons, armour, trinkets and a couple oddities. They're all magical. As the proprietor presents each item and explains their features, the party starts counting coins to determine what to purchase. In the end, with some haggling, they purchase some Mithral Splint Armor, a +1 Wand of the War Mage and an Amulet of Health. Yrma Duladney also leaves her glaive so that it can be combined with a Rapier of Warning to make it a Glaive of Warning, to be picked up the next day. They get a Potion of Hill Giant Strength added to sweeten the deal.

Next, they head out to Gavenfort to visit a jeweller, so that Myrcella can get a vital component in order to bring one of them back from the brink of death. While she was doing her shopping, the rest had a sit-down, and Alaric Highridge had the chance to introduce them all to the wonders of Highridge wine -- for a very steep price!